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Nearshoring  •  2 min read

Scotiabank drives SMEs to leverage nearshoring with preferred solutions for expansion and operational ease in Mexico.


Nearshoring  •  2 min read

Mexico's Robotics Sector Poised for 61% Annual Growth Amid Nearshoring Impact. Lack of specialists a challenge.


Nearshoring  •  3 min read

Nearshoring boosts Mexico's GDP by over 3%, driven by increased investment and industrial demand.


Nearshoring  •  2 min read

Scotiabank drives SMEs to leverage nearshoring with preferred solutions for expansion and operational ease in Mexico.


Nearshoring  •  2 min read

Mexico's Robotics Sector Poised for 61% Annual Growth Amid Nearshoring Impact. Lack of specialists a challenge.


Nearshoring  •  3 min read

Nearshoring boosts Mexico's GDP by over 3%, driven by increased investment and industrial demand.


Top News

Environmental  •  3 min read

Uncover the crucial role of critical minerals in the global fight against climate change.


Science •  2 min read

Chinese scientists achieve groundbreaking feat, successfully creating a dual-DNA monkey, opening new frontiers in medical research and genetic exploration.


Latest News

Environmental 3 min read 

Uncover the crucial role of critical minerals in the global fight against climate change.


Environmental • 2 min read 

Discover critical climate hotspots in the U.S., exposing vulnerabilities and escalating threats nationwide.


Business • 2 min read    

Major retailers like Walmart, Costco, and Booths are reevaluating self-checkout machines due to issues and losses.


International 3 min read 

An Andean organization of local and indigenous communities is working to restore native forests in the Andes mountain range.


Medicine • 3 min read 

UK Takes a Revolutionary Step in Breast Cancer Prevention: Anastrozole, the Game-Changing Drug.


International • 1 min read    

The expert Enrique Olivares Bueno analyzes potential solutions to the conflict between Israel and Hamas.


Find Out

Lina Khan, the young lawyer challenging the colossal power of Amazon and tech giants in the United States, has become a prominent figure by leading an antitrust lawsuit from her position as the Chair of the Federal Trade Commission. Her bold confrontation brings a fresh perspective to the regulation of these companies in the digital world.



Legal  •  3 min read

Once again, AI intersects with the legal world. Have you ever wondered if you can have copyright over a brand generated by AI?


Legal  •  3 min read

Delve into the profound effects of USMCA on Mexico's automotive and pharmaceutical sectors.


Legal  •  3 min read

With threats of legal action and on-site testing at stake, this controversy promises to unveil the challenges and safety demands in these events.


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Popular Questions

In the legal world, the courage to ask demonstrates the wisdom of seeking the truth.

  • What legal regulations apply to nearshoring, and how can they affect the process of establishing a company in another country?

    As a foreign company interested in establishing in Mexico through nearshoring, you must consider the various legal regulations applied in the country. These regulations encompass aspects such as corporate, commercial, labor, tax, and customs laws. It is important to note that these regulations can affect the establishment process, tax compliance, labor relations, and intellectual property protection. Therefore, it is essential to seek proper legal advice to ensure a successful transition and compliance with all relevant legal requirements.

  • What are the taxes and tariffs involved in nearshoring, and how can they impact the operational costs of the company?

    The taxes and tariffs involved in nearshoring depend on the destination country and the activities conducted. They may include corporate taxes, income tax, VAT, import, and export duties. These costs can significantly impact the company's operational expenses, making it crucial to consider them when planning for nearshoring.

  • What intellectual property protection measures should be taken when conducting nearshoring activities with foreign partners?

    When engaging in nearshoring activities with foreign partners, it is crucial to establish clear agreements on confidentiality and intellectual property to protect shared assets and technologies. Additionally, patents and trademarks should be registered, where applicable, to ensure robust legal protection.

  • What labor laws and social security regulations are applicable to workers participating in nearshoring projects?

    The labor and social security laws applicable to workers in nearshoring projects depend on the destination country. They must comply with the labor and social security regulations of the country where the nearshoring is taking place.

  • How are legal disputes that may arise during the development of a nearshoring project with a foreign company resolved?

    Legal disputes that may arise during the development of a nearshoring project with a foreign company are typically resolved through arbitration or other legal processes, such as litigation in local courts, mediation, conciliation, extrajudicial resolution, etc., in accordance with the terms established in the contract between the parties.

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Popular Questions

In the legal world, the courage to ask demonstrates the wisdom of seeking the truth.

  • What legal regulations apply to nearshoring, and how can they affect the process of establishing a company in another country?

    As a foreign company interested in establishing in Mexico through nearshoring, you must consider the various legal regulations applied in the country. These regulations encompass aspects such as corporate, commercial, labor, tax, and customs laws. It is important to note that these regulations can affect the establishment process, tax compliance, labor relations, and intellectual property protection. Therefore, it is essential to seek proper legal advice to ensure a successful transition and compliance with all relevant legal requirements.

  • What are the taxes and tariffs involved in nearshoring, and how can they impact the operational costs of the company?

    The taxes and tariffs involved in nearshoring depend on the destination country and the activities conducted. They may include corporate taxes, income tax, VAT, import, and export duties. These costs can significantly impact the company's operational expenses, making it crucial to consider them when planning for nearshoring.

  • What intellectual property protection measures should be taken when conducting nearshoring activities with foreign partners?

    When engaging in nearshoring activities with foreign partners, it is crucial to establish clear agreements on confidentiality and intellectual property to protect shared assets and technologies. Additionally, patents and trademarks should be registered, where applicable, to ensure robust legal protection.

  • What labor laws and social security regulations are applicable to workers participating in nearshoring projects?

    The labor and social security laws applicable to workers in nearshoring projects depend on the destination country. They must comply with the labor and social security regulations of the country where the nearshoring is taking place.

  • How are legal disputes that may arise during the development of a nearshoring project with a foreign company resolved?

    Legal disputes that may arise during the development of a nearshoring project with a foreign company are typically resolved through arbitration or other legal processes, such as litigation in local courts, mediation, conciliation, extrajudicial resolution, etc., in accordance with the terms established in the contract between the parties.

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